In an increasingly global economy, international experience for Indiana University MBA candidates comes from hands-on work in the field as much as the classroom. A group of students, led by Dr. Phil Powell, travel to Peru to help local entrepreneurs tackle business challenges using cutting edge business practices. The Kelley MBA GLOBASE initiative provides a unique social enterprise experience by partnering with Peruvian businesses to make a global impact.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Did I Show Up?

As I stand here and pack my last pair of socks, I find myself reflecting on just what brought me to this point. Why did I show up? Here. Globase.

I think it was because I wanted to decide what the best practices are from all over the world, not just from the US. I decided that my need to learn about people and their culture is never satisfied. I decided that the world can in fact be made better by reaching out and helping others for no better reason than to help. I decided that I feel like a better global citizen when I make myself a part of that globe, not just exist in my corner of it. I decided I have a lot to learn from our amazing Peruvian counterparts (and hope I have a lot to give). I decided to throw myself into the unknown, knowing that I would be made richer for it and in exchange hopefully enrich someone else's life.

A famous person once said, "decisions are made by those who show up." So why did I show up? I wanted to decide.

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